Friday, 2 June 2017

Marking Criteria for Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio in Media - Media Texts (0-40 marks)

In this piece of work, in terms of production 40 marks will be allocated to the main task and 10 marks each for the two ancillary tasks. 
In arriving at these marks, centres should use the relevant mark-scheme below for whichever media is being assessed. Within the section of the main task, centres should consider the relationship between the tasks and ensure that a sense of brand identity across the package is evident. 
This should be taken into account at this stage. 
Where candidates have worked in groups, the teacher is asked to indicate clearly on the mark sheets any differences in the contributions made by each individual to the group’s work. 
The teacher should also make clear on the mark sheet the quality of the brand identity across the package as a whole. 

Video Production

Level 1 
Work is likely to be unfinished. There is evidence of a minimal level of ability in the creative use of any of the following technical skills: 
shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to mise en scene 
editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects 
recording and editing sound with images appropriately. 

Where a candidate has worked in a group, there is only minimal evidence of a contribution to construction. 

Level 2 
There is evidence of a basic level of ability in the creative use of some of the following technical skills: 
shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to mise en scene 
editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects 
recording and editing sound with images appropriately. 

Where a candidate has worked in a group, a basic contribution to construction is evident. 

Level 3 
The candidate is expected to demonstrate proficiency in the creative use of most of the following technical skills: 
shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to mise en scene 
editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects 
recording and editing sound with images appropriately. 

Where a candidate has worked in a group, a proficient contribution to construction is evident.

Level 4 
The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills: 
shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to mise en scene 
editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects 
recording and editing sound with images appropriately. 

Where a candidate has worked in a group, an excellent contribution to construction is evident.

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