Tuesday, 27 February 2018

WeMedia & Democracy G325 - the beginning

1. Internet and Digital Developments timeline 2000 - 2018
What has happened in your lifetime so far?

2. WEB 2.0 - what is it? 


2a. Identify contemporary issues surrounding 'Web 2.0' and its role of audiences and institutions.

2b. Have the relationship between audience and institution changed?
Include evidence to back up your views.

All responses in essay format. 
Name, Title & page numbers on all sheets.

Hand in on Monday 5th March 

Monday, 19 February 2018

All evaluations are to be uploaded and final music videos

Evaluations are to be uploaded and 
Final Music videos 
rendered and all completed.

I am marking as of this evening.....
check feedback I write and act upon it to rectify any mistakes/ errors.